Sunday, December 11, 2016

disgrace #5

Ryan Barner
Dr. Spiegel

 I think its odd how Lucy tries to deal with what had happened to her. I feel as if she wants to believe that it never happened to her in the first place. when she says that she knows they will come back for then makes the decision to go back home where the incident occurred even after being told it wasn't a good idea is weird to me. then when david goes back to his home to  find it broken into and everything stolen it seems like a warning to me that he needs to stop messing around with other people because nothing good will come out of it.

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Disgrace #4

Has David not learned his lesson of taking advantage of girls? And does he quickly forget his whole past situation as if it never happened?


Disgrace #3

In disgrace 6-10 I thought things progressed to even weirder situations. During the hearing it felt as if there were two perspectives on the thought of Davids guiltieness. Some may have felt sympathy for him and some may have felt that he deserves all of the vetripution that he receives. Also the the kart where he starts to think about his daughters feet and her sexual almost feel that it has gone to far.

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Disgrace #2

Ryan Barner
Dr. Spiegel 

Who is "the boyfriend" really to her? Like what's their relationship?


Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Disgrace #1

Ryan Barner
Dr. Spiegel 

   Does Melanie do it in the beginning because she thinks it could help her in her class and then start to feel uncomfortable?


Sunday, November 20, 2016

The Stranger #4

Ryan Barner
Dr. Spiegel

Is it possible that if Meursault hadn't been so brutally honest in court that possibly there could have been a different outcome of his case, possibly less cruel then execution?

Thursday, November 17, 2016

The Stranger #3

Ryan Barner
Dr. Spiegel

Is Meursault beginning to gain real  feelings for Marie?
